Holy Moly! POP! SIZZLE! CRACK! KABOOM! No, I’m not talking about New Year’s Eve fireworks but there is definitely some special pyrotechnics happening in my very own mouth! Inspired by a Heston Blumenthal (my hero!) creation, the Popping-Candy Chocolate Cake and a blog entry by the talented and witty Ms. Karen of Citrus and Candy, I’ve tagged this dessert on my To-Do List. But after months of traversing the aisles of supermarkets, hunting down this magic ingredient, the popping candy, I gave up! (don’t ask.. but I didn’t even consider looking at the lolly shop <DOH!>). Until, a last minute decision to do a Kris Kringle under $5 this year landed me in The Reject Shop and lo and behold stawberry flavoured POPPING CANDY and in a plastic rocket to boot! I immediately turned to J and said, that’s it, this is my Kris Kringle present..now pretend you gave it to me! I went as far as adorning the rocket in twirly ribbons, addressing it to myself and placing it under our Christmas tree. <teeeheeheeheee>
Continuing on from my raspberry pickings, I tweaked this popping candy dessert to include a second layer of white chocolate and raspberry mousse which sat above the chocolate mousse from the original recipe. I also added a raspberry jelly layer (pureed raspberries set with gelatine leaves). With no proper ring moulds I resorted to using round scone cutters of different sizes, lined with acetate strip to hold the contents. As this was an experiment, regrettably I have no recipe to present BUT, if you’re really up for it, below is a link to the original recipe by Heston Blumenthal. The magic is tucked within the base of the dessert; of blended hazelnuts, melted chocolate to bind the mix and of course popping candy! Soft, velvety rich chocolate mousse gives way to a crunchy layer similar to praline and then the party begins – a disco inferno takes off in all recessess of your mouth – ooh, is that a pop! ooh..it sizzles! crackles, explodes!! Phew! Is it hot in here or what?! As the euphoric sensations washed over me, I had a silly grin on my face..aaaaah..BUT not for long because I’m ready to do it all over again! <pops another spoonful of cake in her mouth> So folks! get popping and try out this sensational dessert. Come on! You know you wanna…..
Click here for Heston Blumenthal’s Popping Candy Chocolate Cake
Note: Dessert best enjoyed with mouth wide open! POP POP POP! Yippeeeeee…..
AFTER SHOCKS indeed! Pretty sure I looked like that too after the popping candy experience
I so love your blogs and your creations. hehehe. Keep rocking, sizzling and popping! hehe